Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Note-Taking Hints

 Don't want to end up here?
Take good notes!


A. Main ideas and important details.
     1. Decide what is important in what you read or hear
      for example: 
               a. names, dates, and events
               b. theme, plot, and characters
               c. new terms and vocabulary

 B. Write down the information
      1. Make an outline
      2. Take Cornell-style notes
           a. columns w/ terms on one side and definitions/details on the other
               1. Easy style for self-testing
       3. Map your notes
           a. put the main idea in the middle or at the top
           b. supporting details branch around or beneath the main idea

C. Develop your own short hand
     1. abbreviations and symbols save writing time
         a. w/ -- with
         b. govt -- government
         c.  = (equals sign) -- "is" or "becomes"
         d.  you get the idea

D. Notes are for you and are meant to help you learn
     1. REVIEW them often for maximum impact

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