Friday, March 25, 2011

New Books 3/25/11

Current Events (meets health and science!)
Healthcare for everyone
Sports concussions

Hot topics
Social networking

Fair trade and how it works
How currency devaluation works

Health and Science
Bacteria and viruses
Living with dyslexia
Obsessive-compulsive disorder

The history of Southern Africa
The history of Western Africa

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

New Books - 3/22/11

Point/Counterpoint – Current Issues
Dealing with bullying / Alexa Murphy
Racial profiling / David L. Hudson
Regulating violence in entertainment / Paul Ruschmann
Tort reform / Paul Ruschmann
Unions and labor laws / Martha Bridegam
Universal healthcare / Victoria Sherrow

Forensic science : from fibers to fingerprints / Lisa Yount
Nuclear power : the study of quarks and sparks / J.S. Kidd & Renee A. Kidd

Autism / Heather B. Veague
Cerebral Palsy / Jacqueline Langwith, ed.
Cerebral Palsy : a complete guide for caregiving / Freeman Miller & Steven J. Bachrach

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Brain freeze: information overload and the ability to make decisions.

The Bieber revolution


America : in decline or still no. 1?
A tale of two freshmen : Illinois' Adam Kinzinger and Joe Walsh

"People en EspaƱol"

Big bang in a box: the greatest secrets in the cosmos may already be sitting on a hard drive near you.