Tuesday, December 14, 2010


A video to lift the spirits and remind us of the reason for the season.

View the video.

Committing a random act of culture, the Opera Company of Philadelphia rallied 650 singers to surprise shoppers at Macy's Department Store in Philadelphia. At noon, the Wannamaker Grand Court Organ, the world's largest functional pipe organ, struck up the "Hallelujah Chorus."

The "Hallelujah Chorus" closes the Easter portion of The Messiah. Composed in 1741 in just 24 days, the The Messiah is George F. Handel's most famous oratorio.

Friday, December 10, 2010

A Piece of History : a Message of Peace

During World War II, ten thousand German soldiers were housed in a Prisoner of War Camp in Algona, Iowa. In 1944, Eduard Kaib and five friends created a nativity scene to celebrate Christmas. The scene consisted of sixty figures, half life-size and constructed of concrete and plaster. When the camp was disbanded at the end of the war, the crèche was left as a gift for the town of Algona. The local United Methodist Men’s group has created a permanent display featuring the nativity scene and its history.

Click here to view the video.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Figment.com - Literary website for Teens

Figment.com, a literary website for young people, will be launched on Monday, December 6. The site is a free platform for teens to read and write fiction--novels, short stories, poems; to write solo or collaboratively; and to give and receive feedback.

The site will also provide a forum for publishers to scout new talent and to release previews of books. Running Press Kids has contracted to release an excerpt of "Purple Daze," an historical novel by Sherry Shahan.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Holiday Gift Guide : Best Books of 2010 - from the New York Times

Freedom / Jonathan Franzen

The New Yorker Stories / Anne Beattie

The Room / Emma Donoghue

Selected Stories / William Trevor

A visit from the goon squad / Jennifer Egan

Apollo's angels : a history of ballet / Jennifer Homans

Cleopatra : a life / Stacy Schiff

The emperor of all maladies : a biography of cancer / Siddhartha Mukherjee

Finishing the hat: Collected Lyrics (1954-1981) With Attendant Comments, Principles, Heresies, ­Grudges, Whines and Anecdotes / Stephen Sondheim

The warmth of other suns : The Epic Story of America’s Great Migration / Isabel Wilkerson.

Read more at The New York Times

See also "100 Notable Books of 2010."

The Brain as Art

A new art book literally presents the beauty of the mind. The NYT reviewer comments that "scientists are routinely seduced by beauty." An appreciation for beauty extends far beyond the scientific community. Carl Schoonover, a doctoral candidate in neuroscience at Columbia, has taken up the challenge of presenting the beauty and mystery of the brain as art. The work "includes short essays by prominent neuroscientists and long captions by Mr. Schoonover — but its words take second place to the gorgeous imagery, from the first delicate depictions of neurons sketched in prim Victorian black and white to the giant Technicolor splashes the same structures make across 21st-century LED screens." (from NYT; 12/2/10)

“Portraits of the Mind: Visualizing the Brain From Antiquity to the 21st Century" by Carl Schoonover.

Read more at The New York Times.

Jackie Kennedy : a life of her own

Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis--the beautiful fashion plate, the linguist, the avid reader, the book editor. Two new books discuss Onassis's career in publishing.

“Reading Jackie: Her Autobiography in Books,” by William Kuhn, a biographer and historian, will be released on Dec. 7.

"Jackie as Editor: The Literary Life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis” by Greg Lawrence and will be released Jan. 4.

Read more at The New York Times.