Thursday, January 20, 2011

Databases for English, Spanish, French, and much more!

Resources for looking up vocabulary words, learning Spanish and French, and much more! Login through the Database link on the library homepage or just type in the URL.

Oxford Reference Online :
A collection of dictionaries and other resources covering:
•Accounting, Math, Economics, Statistics
•Art, Artists, Music
•Language: English, English Grammar, American usage and style, Spanish
•Literature from around the world, including Shakespeare and Chaucer
•Politics, History, Supreme Court
•Religion: Bible, Christian Church, Hindu, Buddha, Islam, Judaism
•Science: Medicine, Nursing, Biology, Earth Science, Physics

Visit this link for a complete list of the titles included.

Oxford Language Dictionaries :
Covers Spanish, French, Chinese, German, Italian, and Russian.
•Translations of words and phrases.
•Audio of pronunciation by native speakers.
•Click-through explanations of phonetic symbols and mouse-over explanations of parts of speech.

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